Friday, July 13, 2012

Ken & Ashley get Married June 23,2012

Trevor and Zachary were the ring barres for the wedding. So cute and handsome. It was a super super hot day. Everyone was very hot in there black tuxes. I think the boys loved every minute of it. We had a black tuxes that Trevor used at Kens sisters wedding 3 years ago, it fit Brandon great. It was so fun having all 3 of my boys in tuxes for 1 afternoon.

This is what Brandon did for some of the ceremony. LOL
The boys in action. Trevor was very concerned about the flower girls throwing there flowers.

Jim was asked to sing a song and it was so sweet.
When Brandon realized Trevor and Zachary at the front, WILL he wanted to be their too. So he went.
Mr *& Mrs. Netcher
Brandon was soooo glad it was over so he could run. LOL

 Handsome boys!!!


Tiffany said...

HAHAHA!! The picture of the boys walking down the isle cracks me up. Not because of those boys but because of Tom in the background. He's got his thumb pointing out as if he's asking Ashley one last time, "Wanna run?"

The R Crew said...

Love these, the boys are extra handsome!