Saturday, September 26, 2009

First field trip

Trevor's first preschool field trip to the bakery in town. They had alot of fun. Got to see all the sinks. I think there were 7 or 8 of them. Also the really big thing of flour and the large ovens. They were all very good and got very large cookies after they were done. Zachary and I got to go also.

Trevor show me your cookie.
Im over here I still cant see it.
Good job. Thats a big cookie.

Another hobbie

I started making hair bows and I love it. Its alot of fun and I think Katelynn likes it to cause she gets to wair them. Im still learning but its fun.

Silly Trevor

A while ago we had moved the computer chair into the living room for Jim to sit on it after he hurt his knee. So this is what Trevor found to sit on so he could still play the computer. Silly boy. Please dont look at the messy office.=)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Family Update

Sorry its been so long for an update. I have been really busy. Jim is back to work this week. Doing great. I had time out for women last weekend. And it was WONDERFUL. I even got to stay the night at Amy's house with NO yes I said NO kids. But us girls stayed up until 130am talking. Crazy. Very uplifting and made me want to come home and be super mom and wife. Katelynn LOVES school and is doing GREAT. I get to start going into her class next week. My day will be Mondays. I'm so excited. Also Katelynn and I are going to start clogging in October. It will be lots of fun. Trevor is loving preschool and doing GREAT. He is following direction better everyday. I think that Trevor is going to start gymnastic. I think he will love it. He is also saying the funniest things everyday. He makes Jim and I laugh and smile. Zachary is growing like crazy and is so loving and notty all in the same day. He still loves the toilet and toilet paper. I dint know if that will ever change. He like to only stand in his high chair and likes to throw his binky. He LOVES the four wheeler. I have the best family ever and I'm so blessed. Dont get me wrong its crazy at times but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dirt Bike Wreck=(

Jim wrecked his dirt bike on Saturday August 29th about 10:15am. He was out ridding his bike with some friends and wrecked. He doesn't remember any of it still to this day. His friends had to help him up and to the truck. They took him start to the ER and he called me on the way. Said he thought he needed some stitches and have his knee looked at. So to me it didn't sound to bad. BUT it was. After calling a good friend to keep the kids. Shes a life saver. I had to wait for Jeremy one of his friends to come to my house Jim's truck and dirt bike so I could take him to the ER so he could meet his brother. He took forever. It was KILLING me to wait. So we took off and I think we got there in no time. I walked in to the ER Doc stitching up Jim's chin. They don't know how many stitches they had to put in. Too many to count.=)

Also his knee was hurting really bad and it was HUGE. So after some xrays and doctors and alot of waiting. They said that he tore stuff in his knee and broke his thumb. They sent us home with pain meds and ice everything orders. They wanted us to come in for an MRI Monday. So after me getting there at 11:15am we left about 4:30pm.

He was so sore that he almost couldn't get into the house when we got home. He was in so much pain but if he relaxed in bed he was ok. So Monday we called a new doc in Caldwell/meridian and we went in that afternoon. He checked him out and Jim had his MRI. The doc called on Wednesday said that he tore almost EVERYTHING in his knee that he could and he needs to have surgery on FRIDAY. That wasn't very cool. So today is Saturday and he has his surgery yesterday and everything went great. The doctor was very happy with how it turned out. He is home resting and sleeping alot. He has a doc apt on Friday to see if he can go back to work or not. He cant put any weight on the leg or knee at ALL. All week long. It's going to be a long week. I have been so blessed through the whole thing: people have helped me with the kids, bought us dinners, call to check on us and prayers. I'm so BLESSED!!! Thank you everyone for being so wonderful to us. We love you