Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Things that make me smile today!

Having 2 sick days will all my kids. I love hearing them play and laughing together.

Decorating the Christmas tree last night together.
Watching Jim pack in our super super large tree.

The sweet smell of our Christmas tree.

The kids asking every minute if they can put presents under the tree and Katelynn asking if she can help wrap everyone elses presents. (and she wont tell)=) I know better than that!!

Zachary saying "mommy potty. You come help"

Trevor asking if we can put up more and more Christmas decorations. We don't have many more.

Brandon laughing in the mornings.

Looking outside and still seeing snow.

A super warm firer place.

Wanting Christmas cookies and candy. Telling my self I don't need it and I don't have time to make it.

Zachary trying to be funny teasing us that we are babies.

Just being us.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

We love snow!!!

This is what we woke up to wednesday morning at 7am and then it snowed and whole nother in but no picture. It was a snow day for all No School and No Work for daddy. It was a super day. Jim and the big kids played in the snow for over 2 full hours. We had lunch and all 6 of us took a nap. It was wonderful. I love snow days and my family!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Fun!!!

We went to a small pumpkin patch then we carvered pumpkins Monday for family night. Trevor keep saying he was curving his pumpkins. Super funny. Then Friday we went trick or treating to the local businesses and to the ward trunk or treat. The weather was wonderful. So we had a few costumes of Mr. Zachary but when it was time to get them on he wanted none of them. He wanted to be a airplane. Will the only thing I could throw together in 15 mins was an airplane shirt and a toy airplane. He was super happy with it.

Trevor a power rancher, Brandon a giraffe and Zachary a airplane.
Katelynn a cheetah.
Align CenterCute girl.
Nana helping.

Our master pieces. Katelynn a wolf, Trevor a spider and Zachary a ghost.
Trying to be a pumpkin.

Eating the cookie dough out of the bowl.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Trevor James

I cant download pictures tonight so I will do it tomorrow. Happy birthday Trevor James. We love you.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brandon eats rice

Brandon started rice cereal. He loves it and eats it really well. He is 4 months old already and growing. He loves: his brothers & sister ALOT, smiling, eating, his bounce (bouncing himself with his left leg. super cute), being carried and did I mention his brothers and sister. He doesnt like: THE CAR at all or the bottle. We love you Brandon Scott !!!

Katelynn got her ears pierced

She was sooooooo brave. NO CRYING even. She loves them. Sorry the camera died so no after picture. My little girl is growing up. Love you Katelynn.

First Day of School 2010

Katelynn started first grade with Mrs. Siddoway and Trevor has 1 more year of preschool. He has a late birthday. They both were so excited. When I dropped off Trevor at preschool and only had 2 kids in my car I was a little sad. But I do enjoy my time with my little boys. My kiddos are grow so fast. I love you kids.

Trip to Edan, Idaho

So we went to Edan for a big birthday party for grandpa green. Mom, the kids and I. We had a great time. We got to see lots and lots of family on grandpa's side that we haven't seen in a super long time. I didn't even take any picture we were having so much fun just hanging out and talking. We also stayed in a hotel and we had to swim of course. So here are some pictures. Mom was nice and didn't make me get in she did. I love going on little trips with mom and the kids and I think she does to. I know that she sleeps really good when she comes home cause my kids are super busy. Happy birthday grandpa green. We love you.

Welcome Baby Jackson!!!

Ok so I'm alittle slow on the blogging. Sorry. Baby Jackson was born on July 30th. After a very long labor and a c section later he was born. Healthy and happy. We got to see him a few weeks after he was born so we didn't get him sick. Brandon and Jackson are 2 months a part. Im sooooo excited that are little boys get to grow up together. We are so glad that he is here and cant believe that he is already 2 months old. Congrats Jess and Mark!!! Love you guys

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Birthday Surprise!!!

I had a super birthday. Jim was gone on business in new york. OK a smaller town by new york but he got to go to new york. Anyways I called my mom the night before and asked if she wanted to come home with me. (I was over at Amy's helping her pack) So mom did. On my big day it was crazy like it always is with 4 kids. Brandon had a doc apt, and Zachary got an ear infection, need milk, meds and a few other things. Mom wanted to take us all swimming but no swimming for Zachary and his ears. So mom took the big two swimming at 6. I got lots of phone calls, Jim had these beautiful flowers delivered to me and lots of visitors. About 7 I was out side getting something and I see moms car driving up the drive way. Will mom did bring her car she road with me. It was Rick, Jess and Ryan. With pizza, presents and flowers. I was SOOOOO surprised. I LOVED it. It really made my day so special. I have the best family. Love you guys!!

Trevor caught a BUG
My kids LOVE cool whip.