Saturday, November 14, 2009

We love New York

Grandma and Grandpa went to New York and brought us back shirts. All the same. The kids loved them and made Jim and I put ours on also. Katelynn slept in hers and wore it to school the next day. Trevor wore his the next day also. Were so glad that there home and had lots of fun. Thank you so much for the great shirts!!!

Tooth number 2

On the 8th Katelynn lost another tooth. She was so happy. She couldnt wait for the tooth fairy. $2.00 more dollars. We love you our toothless wonder.

OK so I'm alittle slow. A few weeks ago Katelynn had an award ceremony and she got 2 awards. Golden Shoestring Award and Alphabet Expert Award. She was soooo happy and was smiling from ear to ear. She is doing great in school. She is writing all the letters and small words and she is even reading small words. Great Job Katelynn Dawn. We are sooooo proud of you!!!


Happy Halloween!!! The kids feel asleep at 430pm and about 530 didn't want to get us so we could make it to the trunk or treat. We finally made it there around 645. The kids still go alot of candy, after that we took the kids to a few house, grandma and aunt Peggy's. They had lots of fun. Zachary didn't like the hat for the honey pot.