Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Birthday Surprise!!!

I had a super birthday. Jim was gone on business in new york. OK a smaller town by new york but he got to go to new york. Anyways I called my mom the night before and asked if she wanted to come home with me. (I was over at Amy's helping her pack) So mom did. On my big day it was crazy like it always is with 4 kids. Brandon had a doc apt, and Zachary got an ear infection, need milk, meds and a few other things. Mom wanted to take us all swimming but no swimming for Zachary and his ears. So mom took the big two swimming at 6. I got lots of phone calls, Jim had these beautiful flowers delivered to me and lots of visitors. About 7 I was out side getting something and I see moms car driving up the drive way. Will mom did bring her car she road with me. It was Rick, Jess and Ryan. With pizza, presents and flowers. I was SOOOOO surprised. I LOVED it. It really made my day so special. I have the best family. Love you guys!!

Trevor caught a BUG
My kids LOVE cool whip.


Rankin Family said...

Those flowers are amazing! Happy birthday! And your kids better love cool whip after all of those free tubs of it :)