Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oregon Zoo

Katelynn and I got to go to the Oregon Zoo in Portland. We went to Seaside, OR for the Miss Oregon and we stop by the zoo on our way there. It was great. Seaside pictures to come. The only bad part about the zoo was that Katelynn was SUPER excited to see the Cheetah and the Cheetah exhibit was CLOSED. So no Cheetah for us. Also the Wolf exhibit was closed. We still had lots of fun.

Being a bear.
Being an eagle.

Watching the Otters play. Really cute.

Kinda fun they had a farm in part of the zoo. Katelynn still loved it even though we can see that stuff at home.

Being another animal. A loin.


Tiffany said...

How FUN!!! We always get a kick out of farm displays at zoo's as well! There's just something funny about seeing a cow at the zoo!