Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring break

We started out our spring break with parent teacher conference. The kids did amazing!!! Trevor received 18 out standings out of 21. He is in the top reading group in his class & is a great student. Katelynn revived 2 bs & the rest A's. she is almost all the way through her her multiplication. Her teacher says she is a pleasure to have in class.

Friday we went to the movies with holly & her 4 kids. That's a total of 9 kids all under 8. Yay were crazy but we love it.

Sunday after church he headed to cottenwood to visit grandpa Rowland & Helen. Kids did great in the car. Jim took spring break off from work. So nice to have daddy around. We had amazing meals, got to see Brent, Tara & clohe & jake. Ride horses, ride the ranger, tracker, watch movie & visit. It was great. I loved every minute of it!!! We came home Tuesday.

Wednesday we went fishing. Not sure where but we only caught 1 fish but had lots of fun together. Alex didn't like the wind. So he spent his fishing trip in the suburban.

Thursday we went squirrel shooting. Not very many squirrels but we had a target @ lots of shells. My boys love shooting. Katelynn not do much.

Friday we played at home & went to Ontario.

Saturday died Easter eggs & went to Easter egg hunt. Also Jim received a new called 2 nd counselor in elders corm.

Sunday was a perfect Easter Sunday. Church, Easter baskets, Easter egg hunt, dinner with g & g Stewart, Easter program in nyssa.

Can't believe sprung break is over. Sad to see it go. I love spending time with my family.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birds of pray with two 3rd grade classes

Katelynn had a field trip to birds of pray and her sweet teacher invited us to come along. So of corse we went. The weather was amazing!!! Zachary & Brandon had a blast!!! All the cool birds and attention from the school kids. I love being able to attend my kids field trips. Thank you mrs Sigrah.


I went to the fridge to get something and this what I find. I love my boys and their cars!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Zachary's ready for kindergarten

Zachary had had his last 2 shots to be ready for kindergarten. He did so great hardy cried. After his shots u took Jim to Walmart to pick out a toy for being so brave. He pick a lightning maqueen toy of corse. He was so excited. Then he asked if we could go to his very favorite place kiwi local. So we did. I love spending time with this boy. He is so sweet and so much fun. That night we went to little step and kindergarten sign ups. Very bitter sweet. He was super excited and had so much fun. They read stories, did a craft and wrote their names. My little boy is going up so fast but into a very nice, sweet & smart young man. Love you Zachary Cody. Now the last thing to do before kindergarten is to turn 5. It well be here before I'm ready I'm sure

11 years together & still counting

March 9th was our anniversary of 11 years. Time flies when your having fun. Jim, Trevor, Zachary and Brandon all went to the monster truck jam. While katelynn, nana, Alex and I went to target to get Alex's newborn pictures taken and get katelynn a Easter dress. After all that fun. We took the big 4 kids to hang out with nana & papa so Jim & I & Alex could go to dinner & a movie. We were going to go to a theater were you watch a movie & eat dinner but they wouldn't let us bring in Alex cause they servers alcohol. Crazy. So we went to Texas road house (so yummy) and watched oz returns in 3d. Alex was a little fusy & wanted to be held but he was no to bad. It was so nice to have alittle adult time. Thanks mom & Rick. Thank you Jim for loving & putting up with me for 11 years. I love you honey!!! I didn't get a pic on our date. Sorry

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dr Seuss day

The kids had dr Seuss day at school again. We love this day. So many gun things going on at school. We couldn't miss it. So Zachary Brandon Alex and I went to school to have with the big kids. Katelynn had strep the day before:( so we didn't go until about 1. After she had been on her meds for 24 hrs. We helped Trevor with a craft & read lots of books. Then went to the gym to see the cat in the hat himself. Super fun afternoon. So glad we could enjoy it with all my kids. Mrs camp won best costum. She was a zoo keeper. I made green eggs & pancakes for breakfast. Trevor & Zachary loved it. Brandon would not eat them.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

All smiles

Alex is starting to smile more & more. He is so stinking cute. When you talk to him he smiles. It so sweet. The big kids love it and can't get enough of him. He gets about a million kisses on his sweet head every day. I love having a baby in our home!!! We love you Alex Robert!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 3, 2013 Alex's blessing

Alex was blessed Sunday march 3, 2013. Jim gave the blessing as always. Grandpa Stewart, uncle don, Ted Burhig and bishop Froerer all stood in. It was a wonderful blessing. He was blessed with health, able to learn & share the gospel, good example & get married in the temple. There were a few more but these are the ones I can remember. Blessing days are very peaceful for me. I always feel very humble & greatful on these special days.