Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trip to Hamilton Montana

So we planned a very last minute trip to Montana. Jim's uncle Bob is in a nursing home and not doing the best. Jim really wanted to take his Dad to see him. Also he wanted his uncle to meet his wife and kids. We left on Friday morning and came home on Sunday. We had a wonderful time and the kids did great in the car and at the nursing home. It was great to meet his uncle and I think Jim's parents were happy to go also. The trip was so beautiful. I love the outdoors. We are so blessed to have them and there beauty. We went to a park on Saturday to pass sometime and Jim found the best park ever. The kids loved it. So did Jim. You will understand when you see the pictures. We stopped along the way a few times for potty breaks and had little adventures. Our hotel was great. We had a swimming pool and a hot tub. A must have with kids traveling. Also our view out our back door was a little pond and a beautiful mountain. It was great. It was a great get away. Get will soon Uncle Bob.


Andrea said...

Great pictures! I always knew Jim would one day swing in a "special" swing! HA! Sorry to hear about his uncle's health, but at least everyone got to see him. Hope you guys are doing well!