Saturday, May 22, 2010

Brandon Scott

Brandon Scott was born May 20th at 4:56pm. 7lbs 2oz 20 1/2 in long and perfect. It was a perfect day and we are so glad that he is here. Mommy and baby are great and healthy. What a blessing. I loved when the 3 older kids made it to the hosp to see there little brother. They were so cute and excited to she him and me. I was telling them that we named him Brandon and asked the kids if that was a good name and Trevor James says no I think we should name him Spiderman. It was so funny and we got it on tape. He has never said spiderman for his name ever. He wanted Brandon. Funny kid. After the kids saw us Jim and the kids went to a hotel for the night. They got to go swimming there favorite. Also the next day Daddy took them to the Zoo and to burger king to play. Brandon and I had a great day in the hosp very laid back. Thank you to everyone for all there help in making this day so wonderful. Helping with everything.


The R Crew said...

Oh I LOVE it!!! He is so handsome and so precious! Congrats! I love the picture of the whole family that you have at the top, so sweet.

Andrea said...

YAY! Congratulations sweet friend! What a cute little boy! I'm glad that everything went well for you! Now, get some sleep!!!

Marti Bair said...

Baby Brandon really is a cute baby. I love his hair!