Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Zachary Turns 2

Zachary Cody turns 2. I cant believe it. He has grown sooooo fast. He had so much fun. Nana made a super cute cake for him and he loved it. Everyone loved it. It was so good. Thanks Nana. Zachary had lots of family over and we ate cake and ice cream, opened presents. Then played with the presents. Everyone did. Zachary loves his green blanket and bink alot. He loves to play with Katelynn and Trevor. Loves movies and books. LOVES when dad gets home. LOVES the 4 wheeler alot and being out side with daddy. He talks alittle bit and only when he wants. He wants to do everything the big kids are doing everything. Loves to take a bath and run from you when its time to get him dressed. He is so much fun and lots of work. We love you Zachary Cody Happy Birthday Buddy!!!

Zachary keep giving Aunt Peggy all his wrapping paper. He wouldnt throw it on the ground he wanted her to have it. It was too cute!!!

He played with this bat and ball FOREVER. But he's really GOOD at it. I think he might be our sports boy.