Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brandon turns 3

So I'm a little late getting to Brandon's birthday. Better late than never. I took Brandon to kiwi local for a birthday treat after we did a few errands. We also had cake & ice cream that night with g & g Stewart. Brandon likes;

Cars 2, motorcycles, airplanes, ride his bike, play outside
Movie-motorcycle ?
Song-I love to see the temple
Nursery-play & sneak to katelynns class.
Brandon potty train himself a few weeks after he turned 2. So this year has been so wonderful in that way. Brandon Scott is FUL of energy & attitude. He can be so sweet one min & notty the next! We love having him around & in our family. We would be 1 boring family without him. He still loves his blanket & bink. Not sure when he will out grow that. He sleeps in his blue car bed but some how finds his way to mom & dads bed almost every night. Happy birthday Brandon Scott we love you!!!