Saturday, November 8, 2008

Locking me out =(

Trevor James locked me out of the house today. We just got home and I let Trevor out of the car first. I finished getting Katelynn and Zachary out. Went in the garage door and it was locked. So I knocked and said "Trevor unlock the door". He says "No Mom". I said "Please Katelynn, Zachary and I want in. Unlock the door". Trevor "No" So I said "Mommy needs to go potty, let me in" Trevor says. "No Mom go out side" (I said to my self go outside. This boy is funny and in BIG trouble. It was cold outside and I did have to go potty) So Katelyyn keep trying to get him to let us in and I went around the house and ALL the doors were locked. Of course. So I went to the car and grabbed a key ring of keys and a few minutes later we were inside. After a FIRM talking to Trevor said sorry and everything was better. So my 3 years old is to smart and very knotty. Thank you Trevor James for keeping me on my toes. I love you little boy.