Friday, November 14, 2008


So Disney on Ice was soooo COOL!!! We loved it and the kids had the time of there lives. Before we left Jim told Katelynn that she was going to go to Disney on Ice and she says "My piggy bank isn't full yet" We have been saving for Disney Land. I thought it was so sweet . Zachary stayed with Aunt Peggy, Uncle Don and Daddy. Jim played at the Whistle. I was a girls night out and Trevor. Nana, my friend Chris and Katelynn's friend Natalie went with us. The skaters did a wonderful job and the costumes were fabulous. At the end they said that the show took 43 skaters and over 700 costume pieces. That alot.Thank you Nana for going with all of us crazy kids. We love you.


The R Crew said...

Thanks for including so many pictures - I felt like I was actually there! It looks like it was AMAZING!!!

Andrea said...

I'm definately not showing these pictures to my girls. I wanted to take them but couldn't. . .too much going on. I bet you and the kids had a blast! Congrats on the new calling too. You will be great!