Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day Of Kindergarten

Katelynn's first day of school went great. She was so happy to go. So cute when I got her up she asked mom what are you doing. I said it time to get up for school she said but it's dark outside. Had to tell her that's what happens when you get up early. When we got to school it was really crazy so I stayed alittle longer. I helped out with breakfast. Then I left. A few other moms stayed and helped also so it wasn't only me. But it did make me feel better. My mom was here at home with the boys so that was so nice. Thanks mom. So I went back at lunch time to see her. She was so happy to see me but she was having a great time and doing wonderful. After lunch we went outside and she wanted to play (with the BOYS). I watched her for alittle bit and then told her I would see her after school. When I picked her up I was so happy to see her that I almost cried, Trevor and Zachary were so happy to see her also. She was alittle crabby. I think she was really tired. So tonight we were in bed by 8:45. I was trying for 8:30 but I will take what I get. I'm so proud of my little girl for what she has became so far in life. A sweet, kind, loving, smart, friendly little girl. I know that she will do amazing in school. I lov e my little super star!!!