Tuesday, August 4, 2009

McCall 2009

We went to McCall for a week with Aunt Amy and her kids. We stayed at Grandpa Rowland ranch house and we had SOOOOOO much fun. We went to the McCall lake everyday (we called it the beach, cause its like playing at the beach. Lots of sand and water) The kids had the time of there lives. Thank you Amy Dawn for going with us. We had so much fun and love being with you and your kids. Lots of fun memories that we will remember forever and will make many more every year from late night movies to sleeping in. To the toilet over flowing to the dirt road. Noddy todies at ice cream Aile to the pizza place. I love you sis thanks for being so wonderful.

Zachary loved eating the sand. He thought it was soooo funny.
Running from Aunt Amy.
Trevor Playing with a snake.
Sleepy Boy!!! I love when he sleeps.
Grandpa Rowland, Jake and the kids. Zachary didn't want his picture taken.

Ready for swimming.
Katelynn with her sand castle.
Trevor with his sand castle.

Maddie loved the sand.
Zachary and mommy's feet in the sand.
Sleepy Babies.
Beach Babe!!!

Nana and Zachary

The kids loved playing with Sadie. Uncle Ryan's dog. Yes, even Trevor. He loved it the most. They played with Sadie forever.

Little Ham.

Zachary clapping for Sadie.

Playing with Mommy

Nana feeding the kids sun seeds.
Cute kids with candy in there mouths.


Catching little fish.
Zachary swimming with uncle Mark
Swimming with PapaA cookie and a football thats all he needed.
And a little smile for mommy.Stud muffin.
Sand brothers.
Sand Babies.
On there way to pick huckelberries with Aunt Jess.A crazy photo Shoot. Zachary was a very unhappy baby for all the pictures but one. It was still fun.

Kids with Aunt Jess and Uncle Mark.
Playing peek a boo.


The R Crew said...

Looks like a GREAT time! I can't believe how big Zachery looks. He has definitely lost that baby look. What a big boy!

Rankin Family said...

So much fun!! Beautiful pictures of your beautiful kids!!! i love them!!

apriltime said...

Wow - what a fun busy summer! I love looking at all the pictures!