Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Trevor

Trevor turned 4 on October 21st but we have been so busy I haven't had time to post it. He had a little friend party after preschool that day. Had lunch and played and played. They painted little airplanes and all got a new coloring book. They had so much fun. That afternoon Nana came over and helped Trevor make frosting for his cake so that I could decorate it. Trevor had powder sugar EVERYWHERE but he had fun. That night we had pizza, cake and ice cream and Trevor got to open more presents. That was his favorite part. He loved everyone. At the end I told him to say thank you, He said Thank you. Thank you so much everyone. He was to much fun. Thank you to everyone for coming and making Trevor's day soooo perfect.

Trevor's 1st birthday
Trevor's 2nd birthday
Trevor's 3rd birthday
Trevor's 4th birthday

Trevor James is super smart, very loving, loves his family very much, loves going to preschool, loves airplanes, helicopters, loves anything that daddy loves, loves trains alot, loves playing computer, loves me to read to him, loves to help, loves to cook with me, loves not wearing pants, is getting better everyday with following directions. Trevor James you are a big super star and we are so blessed to have you in our family. Your mommy loves you sooooo much little guy!!! Thank you for being you!!!