Friday, October 30, 2009

Katelynn Dawn lost her first tooth.

The princess lost her first tooth. It has been very lose for alittle while but she had been scared to pull it. So daddy told her to hold it and then he bummed her elbow and out it came. She was sooooo happy. She was so happy that she went in the kitchen and dropped it. It took us about 5 mins to find it. Before she went to sleep I was laying with her talking. She asked what the tooth fairy brings and I told her money. She said that she didn't want money cause Zachary always puts it in his mouth. I told her that the tooth fairy bring paper money not money for Zachary's mouth. She also said that she wanted a surprise not money, like a toy or candy. I told her money is all that she has. So this morning she was happy with $2.00 and coloring pages from the tooth fairy. Good Job Tooth Fairy!!! So we went shopping today to the dollar store so she could spend her $2.00. She loved it. The tooth next to it is lose also. So it shouldnt be long and shell lose another. Watch out tooth fairy.


Andrea said...

Yay for Katelynn!! That's exciting. I'm impressed with the toothfairy. . .I'll pull one of my teeth for $2!

apriltime said...

Aauugh! It's only been one month since I checked everyone's blog and I have missed SO MUCH! You're pregnant! That is awesome! If it wasn't so late at night I would call you right now to congratulate you! I hope you are feeling okay. I swear I've seen you at least 4 times in October and you never said a word! You are pretty sneaky! Well, I love all the pictures and stories from the Stewart family - keep them coming!