Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we always go to Nana's and papa's house. He are some pictures of the kids all dresses up in there Christmas clothes before we went. They are so cute and getting so big. We had lots of fun seeing family, eating and singing and of course presents. Jim for the last few years has taken his guitar and we sing and few Christmas songs. It was lots of fun. We love Christmas eve at Nana's and Papa's. It was so good to see lots of family and catch up.

I love the BIG smile

Loving the camera

singing together
New pj's from nana and papa. Thank you. Super cute and soft.


Marti Bair said...

I like your pictures on the stairs. CUTE!

The R Crew said...

A lot of great pictures of the family and kids. LOVE them! So glad you had a merry Christmas!