Saturday, January 2, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

So Jim's family is a little crazy they like to get up at 4am to open presents. Hopefully going to change. Anyways we go over to Jim's parents house and open presents there and then travel over to Aunt Peggy and Uncle Donn's house and open presents. I was to tired and I didn't grab the camera. Then we make it home to see what Santa brought. Katelynn keep asking if I saw if Santa came to the house cause she was asleep when we put her in the car to go to grandma's house. The kids were so fun. Katelynn keep saying this is the best Christmas ever. She has only had 5. But super sweet and fun. We opened our presents and played with them. Than had breakfast and Dad, Zachary and I took at nap. Katelynn and Trevor were having tooooo much fun for sleep. We went over to Peggy and Donn's for lunch around 2pm. Trevor took about 2 bits and was laying on the floor. I didn't think much into it until I looked down and he was asleep on the floor. Toooo funny. Katelynn didnt nap all day. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Zachary loving his new red car from Santa
Trevor loving his new guitar and bean bag
Katelynn loving her new guitar and bean bag

Zachary loving his new balls. This boy loves BALLS!!!

Loving her piggy bank with gum in her mouth.
Loving Sissy's guitar
The mess after.


Andrea said...

Looks like fun! Your kids are so sweet! I hope you had a great christmas!